CFTR-NGS catalogue Variants List History

Please click below for a file containing the list of CFTR-NGS catalogue variants and their classification.

In the most recent file (11 june 2021), a total of 1128 variants are reported in CFTR-NGS catalogue.

List of all CFTR-NGS catalogue variants (11/06/2021)

Citing CFTR-France

Claustres M, Thèze C, des Georges M, Baux D, Girodon E, Bienvenu T, Audrezet MP, Dugueperoux I, Férec C, Lalau G, Pagin A, Kitzis A, Thoreau V, Gaston V, Bieth E, Malinge MC, Reboul MP, Fergelot P, Lemonnier L, Mekki C, Fanen P, Bergougnoux A, Sasorith S, Raynal C, Bareil C.
CFTR-France, a national relational patient database for sharing genetic and phenotypic data associated with rare CFTR variants.
Hum Mutat. 2017 Oct;38(10):1297-1315. doi: 10.1002/humu.23276. PMID: 28603918

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